Tag: N GreenPage 1 of 5

325 First Street

325 First Street opened as an A&P grocery in 1966. It later became Del’s Super Key Market, Keith’s Key Market / Keith’s IGA, Henderson Antique Mall, and Wolf’s…

300 / 302 N Green

Situated at the NE corner of N Green and Third Streets was this grocery and home. Once operated as H J Berrer Grocery and then Red Front #13….

Train Crossing Watchman

I wondered about these train crossing watchmen and then came across this explanation in the The Gleaner from Wed, Apr 10, 1895. ANSWERING A QUESTION,Councilman Johnson asked a…

Caton’s One Stop Service

Caton’s One Stop Service near the old North Y at North Green Street and Richardson Avenue. Owner Noble Caton.

Fox Drive In Restaurant

Fox Drive In was located at 539 N Green Street and opened on May 27, 1944. Fox Drive In restaurant is gaining new customers daily, for having once…

Russell Toone Marathon, 705 N Green

Russell Toone Marathon Service Station was located at 705 N Green in 1944. Winter is just around the corner and your car needs a complete check up just…

500 Block N Green Wreck

View of a wreck in the 500 block of N Green looking South.

Man Slain In Green Street Cafe

Oliver C. Bullock, 38-year-old proprietor of the Bullock Tri-State Machine Shop at 319 Eighth street, was shot to death in a sudden blaze of bullets in a cafe…

Ray’s Feed and Supply

Ray’s Feed and Supply located at 1020 N Green. Owned and operated by William R. “Bob” Ray Sr. William Ray’s Find a Grave

Jack’s Grill

Jack’s Grill was located at 530 N Green. Owned and operated by Jack Raber.

Fifth and Green

Harding Ave

Photo of Harding Ave facing West, taken from the front yard of 412 Harding. Visible is 1300 N Green.