Tag: BusinessPage 1 of 32

Woerner’s House of Fashion

Woerner’s House of Fashion opened at 214 Second Street on Saturday, March 31, 1928. Woerner’s specialized in apparel for women. References: Henderson Morning Gleaner • Thu, Mar 29,…

509 Atkinson

509 Atkinson has been home to: Windy’s Lunch Room, Todd’s Barbecue, Ann’s Eat Shop, M&M cafe, Leeg’s Fish Market & Pit Barbecue, and Phil & Bills BBQ.

Slims Welding Shop

Slims Welding Shop, Thurman Hays operator

Healthful Beer

Healthful, Strengthening, Invigorating, and Refreshing “Spinx” Beer is the best Tonic you can use. Henderson Brewing Co.

Ketchup Week

Heinz Ketchup Week, 1923. This was a new to me photo of the Mann Bros building with a ‘Ketchup Week’ sign out front. I believe this would have…

J. V. Gasser Garage

The J. V. Gasser Garage located at 121 N. Green street opened on Sunday, Aug 10, 1941. The Gasser Garage located at 121 N. Green street has greatly…


Belzer’s, a ladies ready to wear store opened its doors to the public on Tuesday, January 25, 1927. The store was located at 214 Second Street, the building…

Community Drive

Community Drive looking towards the river. Gibbs Die Casting visible

John S Hopkins Steamboat

The Steamer John S. Hopkins was a big part of Henderson’s social scene in the years before World War I, and had been a regular visitor since 1880….

1156 First

Last week’s large fire at 1156 First Street was quite a site to see. Wonder what was there before Western Kentucky Trucking and All American Warehouses? The Winstead…

Dixie B. Road House

Dixie B. Road House operated by C. T. Farley and J. H. Stolzy. I believe the Dixie Bee Line (DBL) ran out Old Madisonville Road. References: Henderson Morning…

Savoy Theatre

The Savoy Theatre opened in 1912 at 222 N Main Street. Frank W Behrens manager. Closed by 1915 when Sieffert Electrical Company occupied this building. The Savoy caters…