Tag: N MainPage 1 of 5

Ketchup Week

Heinz Ketchup Week, 1923. This was a new to me photo of the Mann Bros building with a ‘Ketchup Week’ sign out front. I believe this would have…

Savoy Theatre

The Savoy Theatre opened in 1912 at 222 N Main Street. Frank W Behrens manager. Closed by 1915 when Sieffert Electrical Company occupied this building. The Savoy caters…

E C Denton Dry Cleaning

E. C. “Spikey” Denton & Company was located at 105 N Main. References: Henderson Morning Gleaner • Sun, Aug 09, 1925 Henderson Morning Gleaner • Sun, Jul 24,…

1128 N Main

Dr. Edna Earl Ayres’s house at 1128 N Main Street. (former owner)

900 N Main

900 N Main has been home to Dr L A King and then C. M. Hardy and family.

Nickelodeon Theater

The Nickelodeon, at 120 Main street, between First and Second, is to be remodeled at an early date. Among the Improvements to be made are an ornamental steel…

100 / 102 N Main

100 / 102 N Main was a difficult building to find information about. Some information states the building was originally built in the 1870’s, but others indicate it…

Kentucky Bakery

Kentucky Bakery began in approximately 1886 by Jacob Beugger. He operated his bakery at 113 N Main Street. In 1907, Jacob sold his business to his son, Charles…

Sam B Mayer & Sons

Sam B Mayer & Sons was a dry good business that started in 1903 at 138 Second Street. They were Henderson’s leading department store and known for their…

638 N Main

The house at 638 N Main was once the residence of James F Clay.

Panorama Second and Main

513 N Main

The house at 513 N Main was built between 1897 and 1900* for Sherley Clore (1871-1953), whose grandfather was Joseph Clore who owned a saw and planning mill…