One of the best known, the largest and deservedly popular wholesale liquor establishments in the city of Henderson is that of A. S. Winstead, ranking as it does as the represent-atire house in its line, the headquarters for pore and unadulterated wines and liquors.
This house was established in 1870, by Mr. Winstead, who has condusted his business since with signal ability and success, and the house to-day is the most prominent as well as reliable and extensive one in the trade. He occapies a spacious and commodious three-story house 20 x 90 feet in dimensions, on Second street between Main and Water. Mr. Winstead constantly carries am average stock from $20,000 to $25,000 compromising every variety of choicest foreign wines, brandies, gins, rums and a full line of pure, unadulterated old rye and bourbon whiskies of the choicest brands.
Two traveling men ably represent the house in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, Ohio, Louisiana, Kansas, Montana, Missouri, and New York. The anual business transacted will amount to over $100,000. Mr. Winstead is a member of the firm of Hill & Winstead, proprietors of a large whisky distillery at Henderson which has a wide and enviable reputation as sole manufacturer of the famous “Silk Velvet” brand of whisky. He is a native of Daviess county, Kentucky and enjoys an enviable position in the community for abiity, sound business principles and honorable enterprise, reflecting the greatest honor upon him and confidence of his fellow citizens. His career in this city entitles his house to the prominent position it holds among the solid representative enterprises of the state.