History of Henderson Brewery from Postcard History of Henderson by Susan Sommers Thurman – 2008:

“In the 1850s, the Henderson Brewing Company began operating at North Main and Eighth Streets. The business prospered, and in the late 1890s, it moved to the larger and more modern brick, stone, and steel plant- complete with 100-foot smokestack-shown here. The building covered half the city block on the southeast corner of North Water and Fifth Streets. Initially the brewery was run by Jacob Reutinger and George Klauder; later the ownership changed to Reutinger and a Mr. Isefelder. In 1885, a boiler explosion caused the company to cease operations, and two years later, the company was purchased by George Devlin. Beers produced by the company were marketed under the Sphinx brand with individual beers named “Purity” (made with Bohemian hops and Canadian malt) and “Hop Gold” (made with New York hops and American malt). The building was demolished in 1982.”

Original brewery description

Behind the brewery was the bottling works, located at 422 N Water.

Google Maps Location


Postcard History of Henderson by Susan Sommers Thurman – 2008

Henderson County Historical & Genealogical Society

US Beer labels.com