The Henderson County Tuberculosis Hospital, designed by architect Harry B. Boyle, was built in 1917 at a cost of about $25,000 and it appears to have been more or less a white elephant on the hands of the county, especially when the government did not use it for patients. It closed in 1922, and sold to the Henderson Country Club through the county fiscal court for $10,000.
Henderson Evening Journal • Wed, Mar 24, 1915
After weeks of investigation the Tuberculosis Commission for Henderson county decided upon the Henry Overby property on the Ohio river, a half mile below the city, as a suitable site for the new tuberculosis sanitarium for Henderson county. The selection of the site was made by the Commission at a meeting held on Tuesday, at which a full attendance of the members was present.
The farm contains a fraction over trelve and a half acres, and the price to be paid is $3.000. It is located on the river running back to a distance of one block on a line with Main street below the Bennett property.
There are three small farms between the end of Main street at the site se-lected. First comes the Bauerly home, then the Kleiderer farm, the Bennett farm and next the Overby property. The site is reached by going down Green street to Eckert’s home and turning in to the river and driving about two squares.

Evansville Journal September 2, 1922
Evansville Press November 26, 1924
The Gleaner Sun, Nov 9, 1919
Henderson Evening Journal Wed, Mar 24, 1915