The Steamer John S. Hopkins was a big part of Henderson’s social scene in the years before World War I, and had been a regular visitor since 1880. It began as a packet steamer and transitioned into an excursion service. While moored on the Green River, it burned to the water’s edge and sank near the mouth of Race Creek Jan. 11, 1917.

Frank Boyett: Fleeing from ice, steamboat met its end by fire:

The John S. Hopkins ran from ice only to be consumed by fire Jan. 11, 1917.

It was one of the largest and most luxurious excursion steamboats on the lower Ohio River during the last five years of its life, during which time it played a huge role in Henderson’s social scene, according to Maralea Arnett’s “Annals and Scandals” book. Every Sunday during warmer weather, it steamed between Henderson and Evansville featuring “good bands for dancing and often plays and home talent shows.

“People gathered on the banks of the Ohio and in the adjoining park, awaiting the return of the John S. Hopkins. The long wait was always rewarded by a concert of the band or the calliope.”

The Hopkins spent the bulk of its 37 years as a packet boat, however, running mostly between Evansville and Paducah, although it also worked the Cumberland and Green rivers.

According to an Aug. 25, 2003, column by Alan L. Bates in the Waterways Journal, the Hopkins dated from 1880. Its hull was built in Sewickley, Pennsylvania, and the boat was finished in Pittsburgh.

The original owner was the Evansville, Paducah & Cairo Mail Line under Captains Dick and Joe Fowler of Paducah. Badly damaged by fire in 1882, it was rebuilt in Cincinnati, according to Bates.

The Hopkins was a sternwheeler, 200 feet long by 35.5 feet. It had three boilers, “plenty of power for its work,” Bates wrote, which powered pistons 16 inches in diameter.

It was named for John Stewart Hopkins of Evansville, a merchant, banker, mayor and state representative, who also happened to be president of the company that first owned the boat.

During its career as a packet boat it hauled passengers, freight and mail along the rivers. Earlier photographs of the boat can be distinguished from later ones by the presence of “bull rails” on the main deck, which were replaced by a picket fence railing when the boat was converted to excursion duty.

The Gleaner of May 25, 1912, detailed much of that conversion work, which had just been completed. “’A great number of staterooms have been taken out entirely, in order to make as much room for the dance hall as possible.” That provided a dance floor 70 feet long by the width of the boat.

The article called it “one of the largest as well as one of the best dancing halls on any river excursion boats. The boat is beautifully lighted throughout with over 3,700 electric lights, and a big electric dome in the center of the dancing hall.”

The owners also provided the dance hall with an additional attraction: “They have a swell soda fountain and ice cream parlor in the dance hall now.

That conversion of the boat was done at the instigation of its new owner, George Ragan, although he was later joined by H.F. Dade Jr. and Jack Bodine. They apparently spent quite a bit of money refurbishing it, because about late 1915 it was hauled out of the water at Mound City, Illinois, and the hull was entirely rebuilt. That and other work came to about $15,000, according to the Journal of Jan. 12, 1917.

That’s the story that tells of the fiery demise of the John S. Hopkins. Another story Jan. 15 relates how the fire began. Apparently, there was a defective stovepipe for the stove in the main cabin, since that was the only fire on board when the boat caught fire.

It was discovered by Mate Allen Watts about 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11. “The mate immediately summoned the crew, but as there was no steam in the boilers, the firefighting apparatus on board proved useless.” Losses were estimated at $25,000, with only $20,000 covered by insurance.

The Tri-State area was undergoing a hard freeze at that point and ice floes in the Ohio caused the Hopkins and other boats to take refuge in the Green River. Several weeks before the fire it had tied up just above the mouth of Race Creek, along with the Evansville wharf boat and several small derrick boats. They were undamaged by the fire.

The Hopkins was destroyed, however, in what must have been a spectacular blaze. “There will be no more excursions on the steamer John S. Hopkins in the future,” the Jan. 12 story began. “Between 4 and 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon this beautiful excursion steamer burned to the water’s edge and sank in the Green River six miles below Spottsville.”

The story then related something of its ownership history and its successful career.

“The splendidly arranged cabins and other accommodations quickly won favor with the public and she soon became the most popular excursion boat on the lower Ohio. Making four excursion trips every Sunday – besides being in demand by fraternal organizations and churches – she built up a profitable business and was operated regularly during the year, except when compelled to retire on account of ice.”

While berthed at Race Creek, the owners had “been engaged in repainting and placing her in order for the coming season’s business.” Dade told the Journal he had expected to bring the boat back out on the Ohio to resume business the weekend after the fire.

The owners instead had to find a new steamer. The Journal of March 29, 1917, reported that the St. Paul would replace the Hopkins as of April 1.

This boat needs no introduction to the people of Henderson, as it has made several excursions out of here and afforded great enjoyment to the public.”


Frank Boyett: Fleeing from ice, steamboat met its end by fire

Henderson Morning Gleaner • Tue, Jul 12, 1910
Henderson Morning Gleaner • Fri, Feb 10, 1911
Henderson Morning Gleaner • Sun, May 26, 1912
Henderson Morning Gleaner • Sun, Apr 09, 1916
Henderson Morning Gleaner • Fri, Jan 12, 1917
The Gleaner • Fri, Jan 12, 1917