Mystery About Spooky Woman

Curfew Need Not Ring For the Youngsters to Take Refuge at Parental Hearthstone.

A rather spooky looking character in the form of a woman masquerading for some unknown purpose, has frightened a large number of persons in Audubon, and when nightfall arrives curfew need not ring for the children in that section of the city.

“Long Jane” is a name that makes the little ones recall all the ghost stories they ever heard, and a great many “grown-ups” would be glad to have their curiosity satisfied.

“Long Jane” must be rather skinny, as one might judge from the name given her. Dressed in her spooky-looking garb she is said to have given some of those who have seen her a pretty good scare.

Conjecture has had many solutions of the mystery, but as yet it appears to be unsolved. It is thought, however, that some jealous sweetheart has been out watching her Romeo during the darker hours of the night to catch him in the company of some other girl, or in other words a case of Miss Hasbeen trying to learn some thing of Miss Hashim.

It is said that “Long Jane” has been seen many times in that section of the city. Some of the residents of the neighborhood of Clay and Alves street saw a strange woman on the streets approaching persons and talking irrationally. That occurred several days ago.

When seen on Clay street the woman, whether “Long Jane’ or not, was heavily reiled and there was no possibility of identification. She has appeared at intervals and, in all probability, she is a person who is “loony” at times.

Henderson Morning Gleaner • Fri, Dec 20, 1907