The Norris Chapel Missionary Baptist Church was organized in 1874 by Rev. L. B. Evans with members from the First Baptist Church congregation. For the first three or four years we held our meetings on Fourth Street.
In 1879, a new church building was erected on the corner of first and Adam Street. We worshipped there until our building burned in 1884. Then we held our services in Turner’s woods by candle light at night, after which we met at the members homes. From then in the Old Pallard Building on Green Street.
In 1887 the ground upon which our present building stands was purchased for the sum of $80.00, and we worshipped in a little frame building on the alley.
In 1909 the foundation of our present building was laid by Rev. L. B. Banks, in 1911 we erected our new building under the pastorate of Rev. A. F. Fox, who in 1910 was called as pastor. The foundation aid by Rev. L. B. Banks was tour leet high. Rev. Fox went to work at once to complete the building in 1911 by the help of the Almighty and the co-operation of the people the long prayed for goal was reached, and our first service was held in our new building.
The first funeral preached by Rev. Fox in the new church building was that of Sister Martha Williams, who was one of the oldest members and a Mother of the church also served as janitor.
During the pastorate of Rev. Fox, his faithful wife, Mrs. O. V. Hox served as Superintendent of the Sunday School, Where she endeared herself in the hearts of the students and teachers, She served as president of the B. Y. P. U., where she did a fine job. Rev. and Mrs. Fox’ names are engraved on two windows in cur church building.
After Rev. Fox came Rev. J. R. Robinson. Finding the church in somewhat of a financial struggle, he set out to clear the church of its heavy financial burden, proving himself the man of the hour. He organized his forces and was soon on the way to raising large sums of money, payin: debts, completing the building, burning the mortgage, until he was proclaimed one of the best financiers of his day. meen came Rev. C. E. Martin, who was not satisfied with some of the interior of the church. He began planning to raise the floor, giving the exact elevation from the rear to the front. Rev. Martin was successful in digging a nice basement, because of his skill as a carpenter. He did much of the work himself. Rev. Martin did a great work while pastoring our church. Easley, a great preacher Rey, evangelist, who with his gift asley, a great preacher carried for God and His Kingdom, bringing many souls to Christ. He completed the basement of the church, while pastoring. He was elected pesident of the First District Sunday and B. Y. P. U. Convention. This position he held until he died in 1937. He did a great work in Norris Chapel Church and in Henderson as well. After the death of Rev. L. G. Easley in 1937, the church was left to mourn their lost. A great preacher and pastor had finished his work, leaving a flock to wander without a shepherd.
After four months or more of wandering without a shep-herd, the church came together on April 1, 1938, and extended a unanimous call to Rev. E. Pullen who was pastoring set for the purpose of considering whether or not he would accept. In the meeting, Rev. Pullen accepted the call, but did not take charge until the first Sunday in June, 1938 Rev. L. Shanklin, a member of the church, presided over the business meeting April 1st when our pastor was called. Since Rev. Pullen has been with us much good has been done.
In 1938, an indebtedness of more than $500.00 was paid at once. The church has been redecorated twice. A furnace a drinking fountain have been installed. A parsonage has been purchased. The church has been relighted with new fluoresenet lights. A Junior Choir, Junior Missionary Circle, and Laymen’s League has been organized. A very fine chorus of men and women has been organized.with Mrs. E. Pullen as directress and Mrs. Naomi T. Johnson as pianist. All indebtedness of the church has been cleared with a nice amount of easts on hand. Pastor Pullen has worked earnestly and untiringly.
He has represented our church in nearly all District State and National bodies. He is also connected with the Direct Foreign Mission Conference. He was elected as one of the Board Members in Catham, Canada, in 1946. He is Recording Secretary of the First District Association, member of the Benefit Board of the National Baptist Convention, Inc.
Also visible in this photo of Payne’s Dry Cleaning.
Hendersonian: Greater Norris Chapel Baptist Church celebrates 150th anniversary in 2024
1874-1947 Anniversary Publication