In 1942 a tract of land at Atkinson and Pringle was donated by the Atlas Tack corporation on which was constructed the American Chrome Company’s $75,000 factory.
In 1946, the Osborn Manufacturing Company, largest manufacturers of Industrial brushes in the world, opened a factory in Henderson. The firm, whose main office is in Cleveland, Ohio, purchased the site adjoining the Atlas Tack Corporation for approximately $75.000.
Early in 1948 additions were built which gave the factory a total of 30,450 square feet of floor space. Other additions included a dry klin, storage house, quonset hut for storage, boiler house and engine room.
Osborn’s Henderson branch employed about
100 persons.

Oshorn Is Largest Brush Firm in U.S.
HENDERSON, Aug. 23 -(Special) – Osborn Manufacturing company, the largest maker of power and maintenance brushes in the entire country, plans to expand its Henderson plant by several times its present size. In fact, they plan to eventually bring the entire brush division here. Osborn uses material from all over the world in manufacturing it’s three types of brushes–power, paint and varnish and maintenance. A large part of the natural bristle used In Osborn brushes comes from China and Russia. The story of why Osborn has to buy its bristles in Russia and China is a study in America’s advanced farming. Our hogs are ready for market in six to eight months, and that’s too young for good brush bristles.
In Oshorn’s brush catalog, there are more than 300 types of brushes listed. From the air tube brush in the “A” category to the white wash brushes in the W’s, Osborn has it.

In 1948, Osborn donated a field next to the plant for use by the community for baseball.
Gleaner: Boyett: It took about 75 years for women candidates to gain traction at local ballot box
History of Henderson County KY
– Audubon / East End (Pg 435-441) – Google Drive PDF