Our Favorite Recipes by Methodist Hospital Auxiliary
It was at the suggestion of two civic minded men that the idea of a Hospital Auxiliary was born. With the Senior and Junior Mary Lynn’s as a nucleus and with the enthusiastic support of Mrs. W. P. Clippinger, Director of Volunteers at Wilborn Hospital in Evansville, Indiana, the Auxiliary organized in April of 1958 with Mrs. Thomas D. Hodge as President. On June 3, 1958 with 65 volunteers the coffee shop was opened at the hospital.
In the beginning all food and service was donated by the volunteers, but as business grew, it became necessary to purchase our supplies and we now have five paid workers.
Also in addition to the coffee shop, we opened a small gift shop, a cart service and a desk service in the entrance hall, which is staffed by our volunteers.
In 1959 the first country ham breakfast was held. All money from this goes for loans to student nurses at our local college. This is an event that is eagerly looked forward to and supported by the whole community.
In 1963 the Auxiliary had its first antique show. This proved quite a success and has been continued since then.
In 1965 the hospital board, realizing that a new hospital was badly needed, made plans for obtaining financial support through the Hill Burton fund and a community wide drive for matching funds. The community responded by raising over $500, 000,00. On July 1, 1966 the ground breaking ceremonies were held. The artist’s concept of the new hospital is on the front of this book.
Over the past years the Auxiliary has given many gifts and donations to the hospital and now we have pledged $35, 000. over a period of five years, for the new hospital. Here we will have a coffee shop, a separate gift shop and, we hope, many new ways in which we can help our hospital.
All of these things have been made possible because of our wonderful volunteer, who gives of her time and service. At present there are about 200 members, but we need more.
Wouldn’t you like to have a part in this service? We would like to have you join the Methodist Hospital Auxiliary.