Second Lieutenant Arch Dixon Worsham
Born October 27, 1887
Died July 31, 1918

Lieutenant Worshem was born in Henderson, Ку. on October 27, 1887. He received a public school education in that city. Upon his graduation from high school he went to Mexico, remaining until 1912, when he returned and entered the employ of Morris and Company. which position he resigned to enter the Second Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan. Receiving his commission, he was ordered overseas, sailing on January 1, 1918. Arriving in France, Lieutenant Worsham was given further military instruction in American and British schools. and on May 14, 1918, was assigned to Company F of the 306th Infantry, later going to the 120th Infantry. On July 16th, he was transferred to the 369th Infantry, which was brigaded with the Fourth French Army under General Gourard.

He was killed while leading a patrol on July 31, 1918. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre for bravery and the French named an army camp in his honor.
Lieutenant Worsham was unmarried.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Worsham, of Henderson. Ky.


The History and Achievements of the Fort Sheridan Officers’ Training Camps