Located at 100 N Main

Wholesale and Retail Druggists


W. S. Johnson, head of the firm of W. S. Johnson & Son, of Henderson, Ky., recently observed the fiftieth anniversary of his connection with the drug business and the Daily Gleaner of Henderson published an interesting sketch of him on that occasion. Mr. Johnson was born in Henderson, Feb. 24, 1840, and after finishing school applied, on Feb. 1, 1858, to Peter G. Rives for a position in his drug store. No additional help was needed at the time in the store, but young Johnson went to work without pay. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the Twenty-filth Kentucky Infantry, U. S. Volunteers. He later served the regiment as apothecary and received several promotions, afterwards becoming a second lieutenant in the Seventeenth Kentucky Regiment. On returning to Henderson after the war he clerked for a while in a book store and in Jan-uary, 1863, bought an interest in the pharmacy of George Lyne, entering a co-partnership for two years. In 1865 he purchased the drug store of F. B. Cromwell and associated his brother with him. The firm has undergone a number of changes since that time. In 1894 Mr. Johnson’s son, A. Rankin Johnson, became associated with him, under the firm name of W. S. Johnson & Son.

Henderson, as a drug market, is said to have one of the largest importing markets in the Southwest, both in the amount of its busiess as well as its advantages, while the abundance of capital employed in its conduct enables dealers, at-all seasons, to be supplied with the most ample and varied stock to be met with in the west or southwest, and which they are prepared to bring into competition with any city that is not extensively engaged in the manufacture of standard articles. As a class, Henderson’s druggists enjoy the most enviable reputations for liberality, fairness and reliability select none but goods of purist, freshest, and most exact natures which has given them decided advantages ever those of other cities not so favorably situated. Mr. W. S. Johnson, now under notice, ranks as the leader in the drug profession in the city. He commenced business in 1865, with moderate capital which has year by year increased until today he does a business of $25,000 annually. He gives employment to five competent assistants. The store, a three story building 22×100 feet in dimensions is located at the corner of Main street, opposite the Court House. Within its walls can be found the most complete stock of drugs, chemicals, patent medieines, paints, varnishes and indow glass in the city, together with such standard articles as perfumeries, toilet articles and legions of useful and highly necessary standard articles, such as are only found in first-class stores. Mr. Johnsen is also a manufacturer of patent medicines, and Labor Saving Blue, articles that are gaining a national reputation. Mr. Johnson filled with credit the position of Councilman from 1871 to 1874. He was a member of the Sinking Fund Commission from 1878 to 1800 and is at present one of the state board of pharmacy
