Served as Henderson Chief of Police from January 1, 1898 to July 23, 1900.

William Wallace Hinds, chief of police, was born at Madison, Ind., in 1855. He received his educution at the common schools and later graduated from the commercial college of that city. He held numerous positions of trust and honor at Madison.
About 1884 Mr. Hinds went into the newspaper business and accepted a position as city editor of the Madison Courier. He was later identified with the Madison Democrat.
Mr. Hinds came to Henderson four years ago and accepted a position as city editer of the Gleaner. He married in Henderson in 1891. Mr. Hinds was elected Chief of Police last January and has succeeded in organizing an efficient force. His career in Henderson has been successful from a financial as well as political standpoint and he is now erecting one of the handsomest residences in that part of the state. Mr. Hinds is an active member of the Knights of Pythias and was at one time grand inner guard of the state of Indiana.

More information gathered by Frank Boyett:

William Wallace Hinds built 706 N. Main St. sometime between 1897 and 1899, which may have been the result of him being appointed chief of police Dec. 6, 1898. But Hinds didn’t have a particularly successful run as police chief. On June 19, 1900, City Councilman E.W. Winstead filed charges against Hinds, accusing him of conduct unbecoming an officer, according to minutes of the Henderson City Council. The accusation was two-fold: Hinds supposedly used pauper orders to pay off an account he owed to Nick Wahl; the second accusation was that Hinds used pauper orders to pay a woman for cleaning his house — when she was not a pauper.
A special committee investigated and made a report on July 3, 1900, which recommended impeachment. That report can be found at page 212 of Record Book M of the city records. The city council conducted a total of seven meetings on the subject in the two weeks prior to July 23. The prosecutor at the impeachment trial was James W. Clay, a local attorney who was a former U.S. congressman. His defense attorney was A.O. Stanley, who later went on to serve as governor and U.S. congressman.
Hinds was found guilty and removed from office.
The Hinds continued to live at 706 N. Main St. until they sold it Aug. 22, 1903, to Lena M. Carey, who apparently was a family friend.

706 N Main


Frank Boyett

Evansville Courier and Press August 25, 1898