Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of Henderson, Kentucky,to be placed in the public park of said city, two brass or bronze cannon or field pieces with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed in Central Park, in Henderson, Kentucky, and for which said city is trustee: Provided, That the articles of ordnance Provided that the article of ordinance property furnished under the provisions of this Act shall not be required to be accounted for by the Chief of Ordnance, and no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same.
Approved, February 17, 1909.
A Pictorial History Of Henderson And Henderson County, Kentucky, Volumes I & II Published by Gleaner-Journal Publishing