Cooper Park is a subdivision built by an Evansville firm, Holliday and Myers, in 1952. Servicemen and defense workers got the first chance to rent the houses which was handled by The Fryer Realty company of Henderson.

The Evansville Courier (1888-1998); Evansville, Indiana. 24 Aug 1952:
“An Evansville firm, Holliday and Myers, is doing the construction on the fourth major project now underway here. Known as Cooper Park, the project is designed especially for servicemen and defense plant workers. Of the 94 proposed houses in the “park”, about 80 are completed now. The remaining homes will be finished in a few weeks. All of the buildings are single unit homes, of the prefabricated type. They are located south east of town adjacent to the project being carried on by the Southside Lumber company.
Servicemen and defense workers will get the first chance to rent the houses, and if these two groups do not fill them up, they will be available to the general public. Each house must be rented for at least two years before any sales can be made. The Fryer Realty company of Henderson is handling rental of the homes and expects a large number of them to be ready for occupancy in about two weeks.”