Manufacturers and Dealers In Machinery, Brass and Steam Pipes, Iron Fittings, etc.

The most useful and necessary institutions in any city are its machine shops and foundries, and in this Henderson is the fortunate possessor of one of the best and most complete establishments of the kind, that of Messrs Delvin and Holloway, situated on the corner of Elm and Railroad Streets.
In the establishment none but skilled mechanics are employed, and the work turned out is of a superior character. The firm carry a large stock of brass and steam pipe, iron and brass fittings, machinery, etc., and its trade extends over a large part of Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois and Indiana. The works are extensive, while the management is aggressive and practical, and all work turned out is guaranteed. It is an institution which would be a credit to any city in the country.

George R Delvin and Robert A Holloway