The Henderson Armory, located at 735 N. Elm Street in Henderson, Kentucky, is similar in appearance to the WPA armories built ten years earlier. The Henderson Armory was completed in 1950 by the same architect that designed the six poured concrete, WPA-era buildings between 1941-42, Edd R. Gregg. The entire armory is painted white, and the building is located in a residential area of the city, close to downtown. The armory resembles the other Gregg-designed ones in its poured concrete aspect with the signature Art Deco entry of linear and horizontal lines. The armory is two stories tall and has an administrative building with an attached maintenance garage/ drill hall at the back. The building has retained most of its original metal casement windows in both the drill hall and its administrative section.
On the interior of the armory, the original radiators are intact. Some of the larger rooms have been divided up into smaller ones, and the drill hall floor has been replaced; this was done because the original wooden floor was ruined by a leaking roof, causing it to rot in several places. The original doors and hardware are intact in the armory, and the original plan of the building as an armory is evident. The Henderson Armory is a significant physical representation of the National Guard in Henderson. The armory was important both as a military and community center during its period of significance.
It is now the home of the Henderson Boys and Girls Club.