Henderson’s first public water supply and public utility was a “town pump” and a well dug in the early 1800’s located at the intersection of Main and Second Streets. It was used extensively as a “watering hole”. As time passed, other public wells and watering troughs were also made available. In 1859, after years of providing refreshing water to citizens, livestock, and passerby, the town pump was removed and the well filled in by order of the City Council for sanitary reasons.

A Board of Water Commissioners was appointed in 1875 and construction began on a new waterworks and supply system. Construction was completed in the spring of 1876 at a total cost of $115,500. Water was first turned into the pipes on July 1, 1876. The original plant was located on Merritt Drive, across the street from the current location of Methodist Hospital. This was known then as Water Works Park.
1859 City Clerk Notes – Pg 223