From History of Henderson County:
This Company filed articles of incorporation May 2nd, 1882. The company, however, was organized April 15th, 1882. The original officers were: James R. Barret, President; M. Yeaman, Vice President; Toe. B. Alves, Secretary and Treasurer; James Cates, Superintendent.
The main building is a large brick, three stories, and roomy attic, making it about equal to a four story building height of ceiling considered. In addition to the main building, there is a picker room, 35×35, and a dye house, 30×40. Separate from the main building is a dry room, 18×20, and a wareroom, 70×20. These buildings were completed during the winter of 1882, ’83, and soon thereafter stocked with the finest machinery purchasable.
The power to move the machines is furnished by an automatic cut-off engine of large capacity and power, and a 60 inch boiler, 14 feet long. This mill runs 60 looms, 1,700 spindles and two sets 60 cards. One hundred and forty operatives are employed in making “Kentucky Jeans” of the best quality.
In September, 1886, a pants making department was added and a large force of women and girls are employed in making pants for the jobbing trade. Forty-two sewing machines run by power are employed, and twenty dozen pairs pants are turned out daily. Fifty persons are employed in this department. The company is a heavy buyer of foreign as well as domestic wools. June, 1886, the capital stock was increased and now aggregates $70,000. The regular pay-roll amounts to $750. The first floor or basement is used by the sewing department; second floor, weaving or finishing; third, carding and spinning; fourth, stock.
The Company enjoys a patronage equal to the capacity of the mill, distributed over the South and West. Present officers are: Jas. R. Barret, President; S. K. Sneed, Vice President; Joe. B. Alves, Secretary and Treasurer; James Morning, Superintendent; Samuel Ofner, Manager Cutting Department.