From the History of Henderson County:
Thomas B Hodge, in 1884, established the the celebrated Hodge Tobacco Manufactory on Lower Main, between Dixon and Jefferson Strects. This is by far the largest and most complete manulactory in the State, outside of the City of Louisville. The building is a large one and contains every convenience. It is supplied with the best machinery, and new additions, to facilitate work, are constantly being made. A large force of experts are employed and the best brands of chewing tobaccos known to the trade are turned out in large quantities. Between fifty and sixty operatives find employment in the factory, and between two thousand five hundred and three thousand pounds of tobacco is manufactured daily.
Few, even of the citizens of Henderson, have a correct notion of what is going on in their midst, or what strides the city in making as a manufacturing center. The industries are varied and useful, but among those which deserve a prominent place is that of the “Hodge Tobacco Company,” the extensive works of which are situated on Lower Main Street.
The business was started in 1885 as “The Thomas Hodge Company,” by Messrs. John H. Hodge and Thos. Hodge, and continued until January 1st of the present year, when it was incorporated and the present officers elected. These are: John H. Hodge, President; Thos. Hodge, Vice President; J. Ed. Rankin, Secretary and Treasurer; S. R. Dula, Superintendent.
The company manufactures all grades of chewing tobacco and one grade of smoking. Their goods are sought after by all dealers throughout the country, and so large is the demand that the factory is run to its full capacity to supply it. Their “Pride of Dixie” twist is probably more sought after than any tobacco they manufacture, while their grade of “Greenville” excels all others. Among the other desirable brands manufactured by this company is its “Zebra” plug, which is put up in 12 and 21 pound butts and is standard quality, which cannot be excelled anywhere. Also the favorite plug “You Bet,” which has forced its way into general use by its excellence of quality and quantity and superiorily of stock. These brands, as well an all others turned out by this factory gives universal satisfaction.