Beginning with Richard Henderson’s dream of a 14th colony and ending with twin bridges leading to the present-day city of Henderson, this volume is written for history buffs and Kentucky history students (including middle school).
Folklore, anecdotes and little known incidents are included for readability but do not detract from the credibility of the carefully researched data. It is the first Henderson County history to appear in 90 years.
The first six chapters lead the reader through a chronological account, ending with the Civil War. The next seventeen chapters are grouped around topics, including: Educa-tion, transportation, agriculture, industry, churches, etc. The two longest chapters deal with brief histories of county communities (20 in all) and black history, respectively. The index makes it possible to locate any name or event quickly.
The chapter on “Violence” helps provide the scandals promised by the title and leaves one unsolved mystery for some future detec-tive.
Photographs and data collected by Jack Hudgions, a reporter and news photographer, are used extensively. The author recognizes that one volume cannot cover a complete 200-year history and some topics have been severely abbreviated.