J. S. Mallory is an experienced and practical sheet metal worker who has been in the business for over twenty-one-years. In the past year he has built seven smoke stacks ranging in size from twenty-two inches diameter to forty-two inches diameter, and using twelve gange iron. He has built and put up the heaviest stacks ever made in this city, and is the only man here fully prepared and equipped to build smokestacks and raise them, he having a full equipment, such as rope, crab, steel guy lines, poles and knowledge of the work. He makes a specialty of building and raising smoke-stacks and can give some of the leading firms in the city as reference.
In the line of tin roofing, guttering, spouting, and in fact all branches of tin work, he gives his patrons the benefit of his twenty-one years’ experiences. He employes only the best of help whom he works with, thus giving his personal supervision to all contracts, and thereby being able to guarantee first class work and absolute satisfaction.
Roof painting is a line of work much abused. While many buy ready-mixed paint containing more or less gasoline, cheap oils, etc., he uses only the pure linseed oil, oxide of iron or black lead mixed by him in his own shop, for J. S. Mallory says that all ready-mixed paints are cheapened in manufacture, and his aim is to use only the best. His paint will stand the test, and he invites any of his customers to put it to severest chemical test. He carries at all times a full supply of sheet iron ranging in weight from twenty-eight to twelve gauge, both black and galvanized, gutter, five, six and seven inch tin or galvan-ized; pipe, two, three, four and five inch tin or galvanized; tin plate, Scott’s extra coated and other brands, zine, copper, etc.
His stock Is complete, his prices right, his work the best.
The shop and office of J. S. Mallory is at 11 South Main Street, old phone 60w, and remember his motto is I FIX EM.