Description from NRHP:
Built in 1901, the L. & N. depot served as a landmark for a great many departing servicemen who left for duty or returned home via this station. During World War II as many as twenty-eight passenger trains passed through Henderson daily. Among the American presidential candidates who made whistle tour stops there during their campaigns, were Warren G. Harding in 1920, Harry S. Truman and Thomas E. Dewey in 1948, and Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. The last passenger train came through Henderson in 1971 and on August 30, 1978, the offices were vacated by the switch and signal operacors.
Located in an industrial area on the eastern edge of Henderson, Kentucky, the Henderson L. & N. Depot is a single-story, brick structure measuring approximately 120’ x 36′ and highlighted by classical details. The most notable features are the projecting square tower and the elaborately detailed entrance. This entrance embodies a stone, round arch opening resting on pairs of squat, red marble columns with foliated stone capitals. A simple stone entablature forms the impost of the massive arch which is set in a “traceried” stone wall. Recessed panels containing a flower accent the intrados. A single-story porch supported by iron posts and brackets shelters the entrance. Stone buttress-like elements at the sides of the entrance form the base of the tower which rises above the vestibule. Brick pilaster strips capped by foliated, stone capitals reinforce the corners of the tower, the sides of which are pierced by slender apertures. A stone band encircles the tower just below the point where stone piers rise to support the slate roof. The linear section of the structure is sheltered by a low-pitched, overhanging roof supported by wooden brackets. All of the original stained glass windows have been removed. The vestibule gives access to the general waiting room on the north and the smaller waiting room on the south formerly reserved for blacks. At the extreme northern end is the ladies waiting room with its projecting, semi-circular bay. The interior is richly embellished with classical moldings and trim consisting of pilaster strips capped by Corinthian capitals and a complete entablature encircling the waiting room. The cornice displays dentils while the frieze reveals an anthemion motif. Doors are set in round arch openings with egg-and-dart moldings. The light fixture is suspended from a plaster relief medallion with anthemion designs. Much of the mosiac tile floor remains intact.
A small brick storage shed is located just south of the depot. The nomination of approximately two acres is designed to include the brick storage shed located south of the depot and sufficient space to ensure site integrity.
Railmark Holdings Inc. announced July 1, 2022 it intends to use the building as its corporate headquarters and rail service center, according to a Gleaner story by Chuck Stinnett. Railmark President and CEO Allen Brown II also plans to bring it back to how it appeared in 1902
National Registry of Historic Places
Gleaner: Union Station depot was Henderson’s main portal for decades by Frank Boyett 16 Dec 2022